Inception- 2017
Location- New Delhi
Domain- Healthcare
Founders- Pradeep Sati and Mohit Sharma
Total team strength- 120
Total funds raised- Bootstrapped
Investors- NA
Revenue generated since inception- Rs 55 Cr for FY 21
Key Highlights-
Founder speaks-
"The biggest challenge in an organisation is to build the four pillars that form its foundation: people, finance, resources, and operations. Once this is done, we get a bird’s eye view of what is actually happening. Initially, the primary objective was to obviously break even. Making sure our revenues met our expenses was quite a challenge during the early days. Fast forward to today, our challenge is to set our footprints into new soils (expansion to both – national as well as international).
Being the foremost company to partner with the government in that area of healthcare, we see a real rise taking place soon. There are many government policies currently sparking growth in the healthcare industry. Thanks to the ‘Make-in-India’ efforts which is all the more supportive for those of us in the industry. These, along with other efforts, have led to increased attention and activities by other major healthcare equipment players in India – and that is very motivating. Of course, the journey is never fruitful without the indisputable existence of struggles – and we must say, this has been exhilarating."
- Mohit Sharma, Designated Partner and Director, Absstem Technologies LLP, New Delhi