Inception- 2019
Location- US & India
Domain- Digital Healthcare
Founders- Dr Raju M R, Dr Vipindas C, Sunjith Sukumaran
Total team strength- 15
Total funds raised- Rs 2 crore
Investors- Independent Angels and Physicians (Incubated under Incubation Program for Healthcare Startups at IIMB-NSRCEL)
Revenue generated since inception- Rs 50 lakh
Key Highlights-
Founder Speaks-
"Digital health is forecasted to reach Rs 250 crore in India in the next couple of years. We are hopeful that clinical decision support system (CDSS) and AI based symptom triage will be in huge demand with new normal and the government policy of National Digital Health Mission (NDHM)."
- Dr Raju M R, Co-founder, MayaMD.Ai, Mumbai