#startupoftheday 77- DoctCo

December 21, 2021 | Tuesday | Features

Providing high-quality and affordable healthcare within 15 minutes

Inception- 2021

Location- New Delhi

Domain- Healthcare delivery

Founders- Nimith Agrawal and Col. Hemraj Singh Parmar

Total team strength- 30-35

Total funds raised- Rs 1.13 crore

Investors- Dr Neelam Mohan

Revenue generated since inception- Rs 2 crore


Key Highlights-

  • Setting up Phygital centres in small towns that provide access within a 15-minute distance to super-specialists where patients get the treatment experience
  • The centre is equipped with a doctor and IoMT devices that offer an almost omnipresent consultation between medical specialists and patients that mimics in-person consultations.
  • Provides end-to-end experience to the patients from OPD to surgical procedures and then follow-ups
  • Started a social initiative called Swasthya Ghar Tak that works in rural areas
  • Established a phygital centre in Aligarh. Upcoming inauguration of centres in Agra and Meerut
  • To set up 700-750 centres across India


Founder Speaks-

"The scope of growth and innovation is vast for the telemedicine sector in India. It is expected to grow to $5 billion by 2023, compared to the current market worth about $2 billion, while the Integrated Passive Devices (IPD) market is already a humongous $45 Billion. The growth will also come in the form of wider application of technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning, wearables, blockchain, and more. The healthtech sector will play a crucial role in evolving and progressing the Indian healthcare ecosystem by leveraging innovative thinking, technology, and AI. It will continue to provide the necessary support and drive to make healthcare inclusive and accessible for all. As witnessed during the pandemic, healthtech firms will further act as an extended arm of the public and private healthcare system by helping to bridge the urban-rural healthcare divide and the primary, secondary, and tertiary care gap."

- Nimith Agarwal, Founder, DoctCo, New Delhi


L-R- Nimith Agrawal and Col. Hemraj Singh Parmar



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