Inception- 2019
Location- New Delhi
Domain- Telemedicine
Founders- Vimal Prakash
Total team strength- 80+
Total funds raised- NA
Investors- NA
Revenue generated since inception- NA
Key Highlights-
Founder Speaks-
"A recent RedSeer report shared grim statistics on the Indian healthcare system. It stated that currently, India has 9 beds per 10,000 people which is far below the WHO mandated 40 beds and 1 nurse per 10,000. It is the need of the hour to implement solutions to ease the tenuous situation of India's healthcare system. Telemedicine will see a far more democratised system with an increased penetration of virtual healthcare in urban and rural areas resulting in a lowered pressure on the physical infrastructure. Not only will patients have access to a huge network of the best practitioners but also bring consumers from marginally ignored markets under the umbrella of quality health care at affordable rates."
- Vimal Prakash, Chief Executive Officer, Cartula Health India, New Delhi