Watch On Demand : Promega - Webinar
October 28, 2020 | Wednesday | Features | By Ankit Kankar |
About Webinar
Sanger sequencing is used to study a small subset of genes linked to a defined phenotype,confirm next-generation sequencing (NGS) variants, detect minor allele fractions down to 5%, or read contiguous sequences up to 1,000 bases.
Fragment analysis is a powerful technique with simple, straightforward workflows and used in a wide-range of applications, such as detection of mutations, genotyping, identification of short tandem repeats, and gene expression profiling.
In this webinar, we will discuss
- Complete workflow for Sangerseuqencing
- Promega Spectrum Compact CE System for Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis instrument
- Overview of key applications on Spectrum Compact such microsatellite instability analysis, mixed sample analysis, forensic STR analysis, and cell line authentication.
Watch on Demand
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